import; import java.util.*; import; import; import org.apache.hadoop.mapreduce.Reducer; import org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configuration; public class KNNReducer extends Reducer { // the "k" to use in the KNN classification private int k; protected void setup (Context context) throws IOException, InterruptedException { // first we open up the clusters file Configuration conf = context.getConfiguration (); // if we can't find it in the configuration, then die if (conf.get ("k") == null) throw new RuntimeException ("no cluster file!"); k = Integer.parseInt (conf.get ("k")); } // key is a (point to classify, distance) pair, and values is a set of (label, distance) pairs public void reduce (RecordKey key, Iterable values, Context context) throws IOException, InterruptedException { // this will tell us how many of each class we have in the top k HashMap myCounts = new HashMap (); // look through all of the distances int counter = 0; for (RecordKey i : values) { // if we are at the kth one, get outta here if (counter == k) break; else counter++; // add the count for this class in if (myCounts.get (i.getKey ()) == null) { myCounts.put (i.getKey (), new Integer (1)); } else { Integer temp = myCounts.get (i.getKey ()); myCounts.put (i.getKey (), temp + 1); } } // this finds the class label with the highest count String bestString = null; int bestCount = -1; for (Map.Entry i : myCounts.entrySet ()) { Integer curCount = i.getValue (); if (curCount > bestCount) { bestCount = curCount; bestString = i.getKey (); } } // and here we write the answer to the output Text keyOut = new Text (); Text valOut = new Text (); keyOut.set (key.getKey ()); valOut.set (bestString); context.write (keyOut, valOut); } }