import java.util.*; import*; class KMeans { public static void runAnIteration (String dataFile, String clusterFile) { // start out by opening up the two input files BufferedReader inData, inClusters; try { inData = new BufferedReader (new FileReader (dataFile)); inClusters = new BufferedReader (new FileReader (clusterFile)); } catch (Exception e) { throw new RuntimeException (e); } // this is the list of current clusters ArrayList oldClusters = new ArrayList (0); // this is the list of clusters that come out of the current iteration ArrayList newClusters = new ArrayList (0); try { // read in each cluster... each cluster is on one line of the clusters file String cur = inClusters.readLine (); while (cur != null) { // first, read in the old cluster VectorizedObject cluster = new VectorizedObject (cur); oldClusters.add (cluster); // now create the new cluster with the same name (key) as the old one, with zero points // assigned, and with a vector at the origin VectorizedObject newCluster = new VectorizedObject (cluster.getKey (), "0", new SparseDoubleVector (cluster.getLocation ().getLength ())); newClusters.add (newCluster); // read in the next line cur = inClusters.readLine (); } inClusters.close (); } catch (Exception e) { throw new RuntimeException (e); } // now, process the data try { // read in each data point... each point is on one line of the file String cur = inData.readLine (); int numPoints = 0; // while we have not hit the end of the file while (cur != null) { // process the next data point VectorizedObject temp = new VectorizedObject (cur); // now, compare it with each of the existing cluster centers to find the closet one double minDist = 9e99; int bestIndex = -1; for (int i = 0; i < oldClusters.size (); i++) { if (temp.getLocation ().distance (oldClusters.get (i).getLocation ()) < minDist) { bestIndex = i; minDist = temp.getLocation ().distance (oldClusters.get (i).getLocation ()); } } // since we have found the closest one, we add outselves in temp.getLocation ().addMyselfToHim (newClusters.get (bestIndex).getLocation ()); newClusters.get (bestIndex).incrementValueAsInt (); // let people know that we are progressing if (numPoints++ % 1000 == 0) System.out.format ("."); // read in the next line from the file cur = inData.readLine (); } System.out.println ("Done with pass thru data."); inData.close (); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace (); throw new RuntimeException (e); } // loop through all of the clusters, finding the one with the most points, and the one with the fewest int bigIndex = -1, big = 0, smallIndex = -1, small = 999999999, curIndex = 0; // loop thru the clusters for (VectorizedObject i : newClusters) { // if we get one that has fewer than "small" points, remember it if (i.getValueAsInt () < small) { small = i.getValueAsInt (); smallIndex = curIndex; } // if we get one with more than "big" points, remember it if (i.getValueAsInt () > big) { big = i.getValueAsInt (); bigIndex = curIndex; } curIndex++; } // if the big one is less than 1/20 the size of the small one, then split the big one and use // it to replace the small one if (small < big / 20) { String temp = newClusters.get (bigIndex).writeOut (); VectorizedObject newObj = new VectorizedObject (temp); newObj.setKey (newClusters.get (smallIndex).getKey ()); newObj.getLocation ().multiplyMyselfByHim (1.00000001); newClusters.set (smallIndex, newObj); } // lastly, divide each cluster by its count and write it out PrintWriter out; try { out = new PrintWriter (new BufferedWriter (new FileWriter (clusterFile))); } catch (Exception e) { throw new RuntimeException (e); } // loops through all of the clusters and writes them out for (VectorizedObject i : newClusters) { i.getLocation ().multiplyMyselfByHim (1.0 / i.getValueAsInt ()); String stringRep = i.writeOut (); out.println (stringRep); } // and get outta here! out.close (); } public static void main (String [] args) { BufferedReader myConsole = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(; if (myConsole == null) { throw new RuntimeException ("No console."); } String dataFile = null; System.out.format ("Enter the file with the data vectors: "); while (dataFile == null) { try { dataFile = myConsole.readLine (); } catch (Exception e) { System.out.println ("Problem reading data file name."); } } String clusterFile = null; System.out.format ("Enter the name of the file where the clusers are loated: "); while (clusterFile == null) { try { clusterFile = myConsole.readLine (); } catch (Exception e) { System.out.println ("Problem reading file name."); } } Integer k = null; System.out.format ("Enter the number of iterations to run: "); while (k == null) { try { String temp = myConsole.readLine (); k = Integer.parseInt (temp); } catch (Exception e) { System.out.println ("Problem reading the number of clusters."); } } for (int i = 0; i < k; i++) runAnIteration (dataFile, clusterFile); } }