COMP 215: Introduction to Program Design 

This course covers the principles of programming and program design. The course is organized around a number of individual programming assignments that ¿t together to complete a signi¿cant, real-world application (a document management and search engine). Each assignment emphasizes one or more of the basic principles of software design. The Java programming language will be used. An introduction tot he basics of the Java language itself (including Java syntax and semantics) will be provided.

The instructor for the class is Chris Jermaine. The class syllabus for Fall 2013 can be found here.

For Fall 2013, all assignments will be made available via Owlspace.

Also for Fall 2013, COMP 215 will be "flipped", meaning that classtime will be centered around the completion of a number of programming activities, and all of the lectures will be video taped and posted online. Both the activities and the videos will be available on Dropbox. Please contact the instructor, Chris Jermaine, for a pointer to the class materials.

Finally for Fall 2013, all 215-oriented communications will take place via a Google group. So you should sign up for this group ASAP. To protect against Spam, the location of this group is not posted publicly. Again, contact Chris Jermaine for a pointer to our Google group.